Did you miss PHP[tek] 2023 last week. Well, you can catch up and checkout what you missed through the joind.in list of slides! also, checkout…
Stuff and Things...
Did you miss PHP[tek] 2023 last week. Well, you can catch up and checkout what you missed through the joind.in list of slides! also, checkout…
PHP 8.2 introduces a new feature that allows you to use null, true, and false as stand-alone types for function arguments and return values. This means you can be more explicit with your type hints and make your code easier to understand for other developers.
PHP 8.2 introduces a new feature called Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Types, which allow developers to specify complex type constraints using logical OR and AND…
PHP’s tempfile() function is a useful tool for creating temporary files that are automatically deleted when the PHP script finishes executing. This can be useful…
PHP 8.2 introduces a new feature called readonly classes, which allow developers to mark certain class properties as read-only. This means that once a property…
a closer look at php 8.2 feature Union Types
In summary, PHP 8.2 introduces several new features that aim to improve the efficiency and reliability of code. Union types and the nullsafe operator make…